
End users who need to work with FCKeditor want the most short loading and response time from it. They want to start reading and editing the content quickly. This is a big problem for almost all on-line text editors. There are many files that have to be downloaded from the server to make the editor work:

All these calls generate a lot of work and traffic throw the client's browser and the server. And worth, as many files are called, even if small size, as much time to wait.

Two solutions have been developed for version 2.0 to solve this problem: accurate loading order and scripts compression.

Loading Order

From version 2.0, the editor separe it's loading into steps:

Scripts Compression

The editor's scripts (JS files) are now pre-processed before packing any new version. This are the processing steps:

With this process we can reduce the file sizes up to 50%. Another good think is that the editor code can now be fully commented (I avoid code commenting on version 1.x to reduce the files size).

The original code will still be available in the package in a folder called "_source".