Installation Instructions

Installing FCKeditor is quite a simple task. Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Donwload the last version of the editor at the following url:
  2. Uncompress the file to a directory called "FCKeditor"* in the root of your web site.
  3. The editor is now ready to use. To see it immediatelly at work just browse to:

* You can place the files in any directory. "FCKeditor" is the default one. If you prefer using another one, just set the editor's base path in the code. For example:
oFCKeditor.BasePath = '/Components/FCKeditor/' ;

You can optionally delete all directories started with underline ("_"). They are not necessary to the editor to run.

Using the editor

The package comes with a test sample page available for every programming languages that the editor is compatible to. Take a look at the _samples directory.